Thursday 31 December 2009


Well we have had our share of water so far this winter,as we walked our 2 dogs(plus 1 stray)we took these photo's of the gushing water coming from the Hills round Tarnava.The water looks a bit dirty but its just the colour from the forest tree's its the rubbish that spoils it unfortunately.

Monday 28 December 2009

The Mountains

These pictures were taken on our way to Yambol yesterday 28Th Dec,the mountains look wonderful they just fit with this time of year.


These pictures were some of the first we took when we first came to Bulgaria.
They show part of Yambol park,the road from Tarnava,to Yambol,and our house in tarnava.

Wednesday 23 December 2009

Yambol Theatre.

The pictures show Yambol's theatre,in the main square,haven't been in yet but I intend to explore it in time.

Tuesday 22 December 2009

This picture is of David and Viloo telling the tale taken in 2007 when we arrived in Bulgaria.

The Village sheep coming home after a long day eating.

Baby Sam.

This is Baby SAM a neighbours puppy.

Sunday 20 December 2009

Dont you just love him!

Yes he's here again Winston showing his new snow were"Jaz's got the coat so I want the Hat"

Saturday 19 December 2009

Summer in the garden 2009

Because the weather is to say the least chilly how about some nice summer pictures to take your mind of the chill!!

Friday 18 December 2009

Birds 2008

Swifts taken in the spring,well i think they are swifts get mixed up with swallows house martins,and swifts.

Pretty little birds,don't you think.

Wednesday 16 December 2009

First Winter Snow's

Winter pictures taken in the garden and in the forest Saturday 12th. 2009.

Little Marigold managing to survive the cold.

Sunday 13 December 2009

Pretty Tree Mose.

We took this photo of tree Mose on one of our jaunts in the Forrest it looked a bit like coral very pretty

Thursday 10 December 2009

Davids find

Pictures taken in the Forest near home of a Terrapin digging its way through the mud, after the hot spell it rained allowing this creature to dig out.

Tuesday 8 December 2009

Winter wonder land of fun.2008

David and Jaz having fun! Our sledgeJaz the poser. Me and our friend Major.
All these pictures were taken in early January 2008 our first taste of Bulgarian snow .

Sunday 6 December 2009

Well it is December!!!

David with his trusty shovel.

The veiw from the garden.

These pictures were taken the first winter we had in Bulgaria in 2007 it reminded me of my childhood on the farm.The winters were very similar and I remember my dad (bless him )digging us out.

Friday 4 December 2009

What a Hunter (not!!)

Here we have the great hunter!!! not your boring wild pig,or Bear hunter oh no Winston the mince morsel hunter eg mouse, vole,he dose give the odd hare a run for its money well he thinks he dose the hare is probably laughing its socks off at him (you know what I mean not exactly an athlete are Win).

Tuesday 1 December 2009

Beautiful Scenery.

Here we have a touch of beautiful scenery summer and winter "Lovely"

The Hens,Me on the hill top, David and Jaz,Our front garden,The lonely Shepperd.