Sunday 29 November 2009

A Little Change

A little change from the norm ,I don't want you to get too board so here we have different forms of agricultural transport "like the rotivator come tractor come anything you want!!!!!"

Friday 27 November 2009


These are the local cow population, Tarnava only has around 20 milking cows which are put into calf each year (artificially inseminated)if you don't know what this means think birds and bee's.Don't think I need to say what happens to the calf's.

Wednesday 25 November 2009

Horse Play!!!

This is my favorite horse mind you I like all horses ,but he has so much spirit and give the poor old lad and lass a real run around,always getting away from his

The little donkey is his mate,they like nothing more than a chase around the field making a heck of a racket.

This picture is my favorite David took it and just caught the action,brilliant!!!!
Time to rest after the run around,all he is waiting for now is the Boss to catch him(think he's boss really)

Tuesday 24 November 2009

School's Out

All the little kids returning from school.

8 pm in summer,4pm in winter,the goats come home from there day grassing the hills and forests around Tarnava.

What a funny sight, they wait for there owners to arrive and after getting a tit bit hope,jump,and skip there was home.They are my true favorites and I'd love to keep them unfortunately they are food animals so being me I'd end up with loads!!!!!!!

Sunday 22 November 2009

Jaz making a new home.

The cows on there way home.

The poor cat wishing he was home.

Friday 20 November 2009

Mans best Friend ?

The hardes thing about Bulgaria is the total lack of concern for Mans so called best friend.The Dog is the lowest of low and not really cared for or liked very much.The lack of knowledge and pure ignorance has lead to this poor creature starving and in the worst cases forming dangerous packs.It is a vicious circle with no reel intervention from the government dogs reproduce at a pretty fast rate you can imagine the consequences.With few exceptions they live a pretty poor existence and I for one love dogs but understand a dog is not for everyone ,it is the hardest thing by far for me to deal with and as winter approaches I know I am going to struggle ,but not as much as Mans Best Friend!!!!!!

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Unusual fungi i came across in the forest.

The Berries reminded me of Christmas so thought I'd add them.

Friday 13 November 2009

Winter Birds.

Here you are a group of birds that visit us in the Autumn,winter seasons.

We have the Jay with its beautiful blue plumage and left above is a thrush

The little blue tit and the black and white Woodpecker.

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Bettle and fungi

Fruits of the forest ,this lovely fungi and jewel beetle.

Tuesday 10 November 2009

What a wonderful world.

Two lovely pictures of some of our garden friends,we have a large collection of different creatures in our photo albums if you would like to look.Left is a centipede and right a mantis I think .

Sunday 8 November 2009

From ugly to beautiful

Well OK the little critter I put in my blog is really yuk!! to some so here is a prettier picture

Friday 6 November 2009

My favourate things.

Yes I have to say I am a great lover of animals any animals but one of the all time hits with both David and myself has got to be the goat .What a character full of mischief like a naughty child!!!! absolutely brill! don't think I could bring one up to eat but them I am the impractical sort when it comes to animals.

Wednesday 4 November 2009

The ugly one!

There is a lot of variety when it comes to none human, living things here and some are not very pretty as I will show you on our wonderful expedition into the animal kingdom.Any help naming this critter would be much appreciated I've no idea sorry.

Tuesday 3 November 2009

The Grusum Twosum!

Our Boys let me introduce you to Jasper and Winston our faithful hounds,totally different from each other in more ways than one as you can see.