Friday 26 February 2010

The Hawk

I am so exited about these pictures even though they aren't the best, the video i have done is Great so take a look,I manages to take this hawk as it sat looking in the window a rare opportunity its brilliant.

Thursday 25 February 2010

Watch The Birdie!

Four more pictures of birds feeding just by the window,look at the little blue tit putting on a show for his food.

Sunday 21 February 2010

Pictures taken in Yambol park during summer,I love Yambol park it needs some sorting out but walking with family in the shade of the tree's with the smell of the blossom and the temp in the 80's wonderful!!!!!

Thursday 18 February 2010

Yellow Bird.

In late spring when the cherry  tree begins to fruit we get a beautiful yellow visitor he is the size of a dove and really bright,hard to take a photo of because he's very shy.

Monday 15 February 2010


Close up of a moth I really like the pattern on its back,the camera shows it up great.

Saturday 13 February 2010

There's Snow Then there's no Snow!!!!!!

One day snow ,next day no snow,hopefully these pictures are the last of the snow for this year.The longest and coldest we have had during our time in Bulgaria.

Friday 12 February 2010

This is our favorite tree in the forest,why because it is really big old and we found it the first winter here.the flowers we found walking in the forest

Tuesday 9 February 2010


I think that sunflowers are my favorite flower especially when they are on show like this what a spectacular spread don't you think?Fantastic when your traveling the road to Yambol to see acre's and acre's of them.

Sunday 7 February 2010

Get chopping!!!

When it comes to winter heat you are in for a shock here.Most of the heat in the villages id wood there is electric of course but in -20 it cant be relied on ,power cut often happen.We bought 10cubic mitre's for the winter cost 50lv per cube.

Saturday 6 February 2010

Summer Fun With The Russians

How nice to remember long summer days and the fun we have when our friends Slavi and Vicki who come with their family for the summer.

Thursday 4 February 2010

Our Own Fruit and Veg.

These are our own home grown fruit and veg and we are very proud of them.they were all stored for winter ,the tomato's were bottled.

Monday 1 February 2010

Call that a TREE!!!!!!!

I just had to post these pictures for a laugh!!!this is our first Bulgarian Christmas Tree,dropped over our garden fence by our friends Mick and Sonnie(well i think there our friends)anyway we sat and made decorations to go on it out off silver foil and bottle tops,reminds me of school HA!HA!Defiantly an embarrassment for the kids!!!